The Touring/Camping & Holiday Hire Fleet Park opens from Easter/April to October.
Our Privately owned Holiday Static Caravans open March to October.
Little Studley Residential Park in Ripon has a 12 month Licence and is your main UK home.
Arrivals are from 1pm and to depart by 12 noon, this is to help with traffic congestion in both the Park and the village. Please Sign In at Reception on arrival.
Bookings – As we are a small and popular Park Advance bookings are recommended and necessary for Bank Holidays and throughout the main summer season, with a minimum stay of 3 nights for all Bank Holidays and a 2 night booking for our Annual BQ weekend.
Visitors – Please park in the Pub Car Park. Only people signed in at Reception are permitted to stay in the caravans.
One car is permitted to park per plot. Speed limit is 5mph.
The driving of a motor vehicle by a person not holding a current driving license is forbidden.
In wet weather please park in the pub yard and do not drive on the grass.
Insurance. All caravans must be insured and have a safety certificates and a Fire extinguisher.
The caravans are for Holiday use.
Dogs are welcome and to be on a Lead at all time. Please ‘walk’ them off the park. There is a nice ‘Doggy’ walk at the back of the park down a bridle path. Please do not allow them to foul the park and especially the camping fields – our campers can get very upset and do not like to lie in dog poo! Please Do Not walk them onto the village playing fields.
All Land and surrounding fields are privately owned please stay on the path and do not let your dogs off the lead. The cows in these fields are in calf and easily abort if upset, then the farmers get very cross!
Showers – Children are not allowed to play in the toilets or showers. All children under the age of 12yrs must be accompanied in the showers.
Refuse – Please put all your rubbish inside the large refuse bins on a Sunday evening ready for collection early Monday morning. These bins are for food waste ONLY. No camping equipment i.e tents, mattresses, grasscutters, TVs, Bikes, Aerials etc. There is a skip in Ripon please ask for directions. Thank You.
Elson waste and other tarry chemicals are not to be used in the toilets. Please use the disposal unit behind the top toilet block.
Children under 18yrs are not allowed in the Pubs without permission and must be accompanied by an adult. Damages by children must be paid for by a parent or guardian.
No Motorized Scooters, Ball Games, Generators, Hose Pipes. External Fires
( BQ’s with permission only), No Temporary external toilets, No Airguns.